Importance of Post-Hip Replacement Exercises

November 14, 2012
Hip surgery is a procedure involving the reconstruction of the hips, one of the major bone structures in the body. This means you'll need a lot of rest and time for recovery. But in order to fully get back on your feet, you'll also need a strenuous exercise routine as prescribed by your doctor. In a similar news, a medical journal article gave advice against hip resurfacing in women.

After your hip surgery, your body is hard at work to help the affected area heal properly. Staying in bed and not moving makes it harder for blood to get to your surgically repaired hip, which can slow the healing process. . Exercise is the best way to get you up and moving again in the least amount of time as possible. Exercise helps stimulate blood flow, prevents your muscles from getting weak from non-use and helps keep your mind active while you're recovering. . Follow your doctor's specific orders for exercise following hip surgery.

Following a suitable resting period immediately following your surgery, your doctor will likely have you perform basic exercises such as walking to help prevent blood clots from forming in and around your hip. You may need assistance from a nurse or physical therapist to begin walking in the hospital just after surgery. Getting up and moving also helps speed the recovery process and strengthen your muscles and bones. Though you may experience pain and discomfort doing exercises in the hospital, it's important to get up and get moving to reduce the amount of pain you'll be in later as you continue to recuperate.

Once you're home from the hospital, your doctor may prescribe certain simple exercises to perform from your home or with the help of a physical therapist. Most often, these exercises start as simple range-of-motion activities. Range-of-motion exercise helps restore the basic functions of your muscles and joints.

For example, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says you may do ankle pumps, which require you to lie on your back and slowly push your foot up and down as many times as you can for five to 10 minutes. This exercise utilizes the muscles in your leg that are attached to or associated with your hip to help restore normal function. Another common exercise involves lying on a bed or the ground and spreading your legs apart and then pulling them back together, using your leg muscles. This is called adduction and abduction, and uses the muscles in your legs that are associated with your hips.

Follow your doctor's specific advice for when to start different types of exercise and physical therapy. You may also ask your doctor about the issue on hip replacement recall. Trying to do too much too fast can damage the healing process and cause post-operative complications. Avoid putting too much weight on your hip for the first few weeks, and use crutches to start out when doing weight-bearing exercises.



Exercises After a Hip Replacement

July 3, 2012

Hip surgery is a procedure involving the reconstruction of the hips, one of the major bone structures in the body, medical researchers say. This means you'll need a lot of rest and time for recovery. But in order to fully get back on your feet, you'll also need a strenuous exercise routine as prescribed by your doctor. Speaking of healthcare system, Rochelle Rottenstein, principal attorney and founder of the Rottenstein Law Group, shared her criticisms on the law, named Medical Device User Ac...

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